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Bike & Coaching

A completely new format. A regenerating and deeply useful experience for all those who want to continue to know each other and learn how to get the best out of themselves. To train body and mind to ride together.

“The real journey of discovery does not consist in looking for new lands but in having new eyes”. Marcel Proust

At the beginning and at the end of every journey there are always us human beings, with our baggage of experiences, successes, disappointments, efforts, dreams and plans for the future. And often, the journey is a wonderful opportunity to look inside ourselves, to get to know each other better and to have clearer inside ourselves the direction to take and the goals to achieve.

Cycling together in an open air circuit, interspersed with stops where, with the help of Mental Coach Francesco Fabiano, founder of GeoCommunication, you can get to know each other better. Understand your strengths and areas of improvement, increase awareness and self-confidence.

Our proposal for Companies

One of our characteristics is the possibility to have products and services adaptable to the different needs of the customer. Here are some general indications on the different activities:

Daily format

Bike itinerary on a protected route, interspersed with 4 stops/meetings with the Mental Coach.

Creation of working groups, definition of goals to be achieved, sharing of commitments, team games.

Duration and location of the event to be defined according to your needs.

Format over several days

Possibility to combine the coaching activity on an itinerant cycle path, linked to orienting activities: the discovery of the territory, with the help of external tools (map/road book/gps) and through one’s own observation skills, in order to stimulate collaborative and participative behaviours, to lead to a total involvement to create the true sense of belonging to the group.

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