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Week-end by bike: guided tours in Septmber

Wineyards; Oltrepò Pavese; bike

Po river Delta: 11-13 September 2020

An itinerary by bike to discover the Po River Delta.

The route will take you to the Mesola Woodland Nature Reserve where you can meet the “King of the wood”: the Mesola deer. Cycling  togheter we will enter the part of theReserve closed to the public where you can observe the deers, and then continue along the river Po until you reach the sea. A truly exciting way to experience the forest and explore the Po river cycle path, savouring the local cuisine directly with the fishermen.
We will explore an area created by the river, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site Biosphere Reserve, along traffic-free routes that make the area a paradise for lovers of two wheels. With typical boats we will sail in the mouths of the Po. During the navigation it will be possible to observe the Old Lantern, testimony to the advance of the coastline and then the new Goro Lighthouse built on the homonymous Scanno. Today it is a State Natural Reserve with numerous species of birds that populate lagoons and reeds.

To learn more: click here

An E-Bike itinerary to discover Oltrepò Pavese:18 – 20 September 2020

The Oltrepò Pavese is famous not only for its excellent food and wine, but also for its landscapes, castles, abbeys and …
is perfect to explore on two wheels!

Oltrepò Pavese is the area of the province of Pavia south of the river Po, not far from Milan, rich in naturalistic and historical points of interest. A hilly landscape, marked by terraced vineyards interrupted by farming villages. Historically these hills are dedicated to the production of fine grapes from which DOC wines are obtained: Barbera, Bonarda, Sangue di Giuda, Buttafuoco, Pinot, Riesling, Cortese, Moscato, not to mention Spumante. It is a hilly area famous all over the world for being one of the most suitable Italian areas for wine growing.

The tour will take you through fascinating places: nature trails, rows of centuries-old vineyards that surround splendid 19th century villas and fortified villages and abbeys. The tour includes an eno-gastronomic itinerary to discover the wines and local specialities accompanied by a guide with a deep and personal knowledge of the territory that will make you fall in love with Oltrepò Pavese.

The use of the E-bike is certainly the perfect solution to enjoy a relaxing ride. With this Tour we want to combine the beauty of this territory to be discovered by cycling with the food and wine specialities to be tasted at the table!

To learn more: click here

Short program TOUR MILAN and surroundings (if you already want to know what we are preprising for you… [email protected])


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